SkullOrm: RED Glow!

P1030161The new SkullOrm arrived yesterday from Secret Base Tokyo.
Red Glow marbled with dark green vinyl.
Mine is predominantly green with little bits of pinkish red streaked through but it glows like a beast. I made it to the Container Store a few weeks ago and have a whole bag of new risers to hopefully add much needed space to my Detolf display cases; when my new additions get here in a few days it’ll be time to rearrange.



New skullOrm!



Just got this gentleman in the mail the other day. Lately I’ve been just terrible at taking pictures, so you can’t really get the full effect of the marble color combo, but I really dig it.

oh ryse frahm de blaastbeet trahjedee aht seeeeea ze ghreyt skullORM!
Released 30th November.
Secret Base, Japan.
Dark blue & light violet.